Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Offenders: Kinship: Fathers:
Offenders: Kinship: [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] U.S. History
[Info] Bardaglio, Peter. "An Outrage Upon Nature": Incest and the Law in the Nineteenth-Century South. In Joy and in Sorrow: Women, Family, and Marriage in the Victorian South, 1830-1900. Edited by Carol Bleser. New York 1991: 32-51. [Info] Sacco, Lynn. Unspeakable: Father-Daughter Incest in American History. Baltimore 2009. [Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] Austrian History [Info] Göppel, Rolf. »Über das Verhältnis von Erzählung, Deutung und Theoriekonstruktion am Beispiel von Freuds Fallgeschichte „Katharina“.« Widerstreitendes Erzählen: Ambivalenzen im Kontext (inklusions-)pädagogischer Ansprüche. Edited by Jens Geldner-Belli et al. Wiesbaden 2024: 89-108. [Site] English History
[Site] Italian History
[Site] O c e a n i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Australian History [Info] Smaal, Yorick. Keeping it in the family: Prosecuting incest in colonial Queensland. Journal of Australian Studies 37 (2013): 316-332. |